![$ [0,T] $](/sites/default/files/tex/b9baa7710b108fe1c29bd70224f83e1ccc813636.png)
![$ H = L^2([0,T]) $](/sites/default/files/tex/00877b76d19e19f0137f4e585fcc7210328d864d.png)
In [1], it is shown that in the Gaussian case, if the covariance function is continuous, linear subspaces
spanned by
-stationary codebooks correspond to principal components of
, in other words, are spanned by eigenvectors of the covariance operator of
Thus, the quantization consists first in exploiting the Karhunen-Loève decomposition. The discretization consists in truncating the decomposition at a fixed order and to quantize the
-value Gaussian vector constituted of the
first coordinates of the process on its Karhunen-Loève decomposition.
To reach optimal quantization, one has both to determine the optimal rank of truncation (the quantization dimension) and to determine the optimal
-dimensional Gaussian quantizer corresponding to the first coordinates.
Formally, if is a bi-measurable
Gaussian process, with a continuous covariance function, its Karhunen-Loève expansion
![$\displaystyle X = \sum\limits_{k=1}^\infty \xi_n^X e_n^X \ \in L^2(\Omega \times [0,T]), $](/sites/default/files/tex/e85101a4db542dddfa6bdadc8e23e77231cdcf15.png)

The terms of the Karhunen-Loève decomposition are explicit for classical Gaussian processes (the standard Brownian motion, the Brownian bridge and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process).
- The Karhunen-Loève decomposition of the standard Brownian motion
- The Karhunen-Loève decomposition of the standard Brownian bridge
In this case, the -dimensional random vector to be quantized is a Gaussian vector with diagonal variance-covariance matrix
Optimal quantization of the Brownian motion
The compressed folder brownian_optimal_grids.zip contains optimal quantization grids of the standard Brownian motion.
To get optimal quantization, the point now is to quantize the finite-dimensional Gaussian vector optimally.
Hence, the method is the same as for the standard distribution except that the simulated Gaussian vector is not standard. For a given size , all possible dimensions are tested, and the one that yields the smaller quadratic distortion (
) is kept.
For a given size , the text files are organized as follows. It presents in the form of a matrix
rows and
- On row
: Element
of the grid and its companion parameters. Consider
- On last row
In particular we can verify that
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For further details and further reading, let us refer to [1].
Product quantization of the Brownian motion and the Brownian bridge
An other way to get a good quantizer of a Gaussian process is Product Quantization. In practice, being settled, one determines the truncation threshold
of the decomposition and then,
is approximated by
is a quantizer of the
-valued random vector
The product quantization consists in choosing the quantizer of
as a Cartesian product of one dimensional quantization grids.
Thus, one replaces by
are optimized quantizers of the
-dimensional Gaussian distribution, of size
, and where the values
are such that
. A database of optimal quadratic quantizers of the standard Gaussian distribution is available here.
After all, one has for a settled integer to determine among all its possible product decomposition the one that minimizes the distortion error.
In article [2], the optimal product decompositions are used to compute Asian option prices in a stochastic volatility model.
Data to download:
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The text file RECORD_QF.TXT contains optimal product decompositions for the standard Brownian motion of size to
The text file RECORD_QF_BB.TXT contains optimal product decompositions for the standard Brownian bridge of size to
The both cases two first columns give, for a number , the value of the distortion of the optimal product quantization.
The following columns give the size of the best product quantizer for a maximum number of points of
, and the corresponding distortion. At least, the corresponding optimal product decomposition is given.